
What you Need to Know About Ribbon Mixer

The ribbon mixer is generally used for mixing viscous or cohesive powders and mixing the powders with liquid and viscous raw materials. In addition, because of the difficult cleaning characteristics of viscous raw materials, it is suitable for large production volumes and low Often the types of places are mixed.

Ribbon Mixer For Sale

Ribbon Mixer For Sale

The ribbon mixer is divided into different mixers such as V-type mixer and two-dimensional motion mixer according to its own properties and working principle. Let me share with you the inspection work before the operation of the ribbon mixer.

1. Check whether there is any foreign matter in the V-type mixer. The inner wall of the hopper should be dry. The V-shaped mixer closes the inlet and outlet.

2. Turn on the power button of the V-shaped mixer and turn the stop button to the left. The power indicator light should be correctly displayed in red.

3. Check that the V-type mixer should be free of obstructions to prevent the tape from hitting obstacles when the tape mixer is running and causing accidents.

4. After the above operating parameters are required, the following operations can be performed.

The main content of the maintenance work of the ribbon mixer.

1. Pay attention to the maintenance of the outer body of the horizontal belt mixer, and regularly remove dirt and obstacles.

2. Before daily operation, the horizontal belt mixer should be idling for 1 to 2 minutes, and the reliability of the clutch and brake on the machine should be checked.

3. It is necessary to regularly check the oil and circuits of each lubrication part and control equipment. Add lubricating oil as required to prevent equipment aging.

4. During the operation of the equipment, listen to the noise of the motor, reducer and transmission device.

Our company has Ribbon Mixer For Sale, welcome to contact us.



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