
How Do I Know When a Process Should Be Automated?

Automation can improve the efficiency, safety, accuracy and speed of a process, but it also requires careful planning. There are many factors to consider and it can be difficult to know when a process should be automated. If you are wondering about automating a process at your processing plant, manufacturing plant, or another facility, consider the following.

How to Know When a Process Should be Automated

1. Current Process Time vs. Projected Process Time

Time is one of the most important factors to consider when deciding whether a process should be automated or not. A machine will perform most simple and repetitive processes faster than a person can. However, it is not only the individual process itself that should be considered, but the surrounding processes as well.

2. Accuracy Requirements

Accuracy is another important factor to consider when a process should be automated. If machines are installed, maintained and programmed correctly, they will perform the same task, the same way, within a set margin of error, each time. A person, on the other hand, may be tired or distracted, add in too much or too little of an ingredient, or perform a process in the wrong order. Automating a process can increase product quality, decrease material waste, and reduce liability from potentially dangerous defects.

3. Material Stability

Some materials are relatively predictable and easy to handle, while others are more chaotic and difficult. A sheet of steel, for example, will move through a process in a very predictable manner. A machine can easily handle these materials and move them along an assembly line. Powders, on the other hand, are more sensitive to outside forces like changes in temperature or humidity. Even slight changes can make them behave in unpredictable ways. Processes working with powders and other difficult materials can still be automated, but these machines may require additional supervision and more careful planning.

4. Labor Costs vs Automation Costs

This is the most common consideration when determining whether a process should be automated or not. When comparing automation and labor, it is important to take all costs into account. Automating a process not only eliminates direct labor costs such as wages and overtime, but it can also reduce indirect costs such as those from work injuries, worker’s compensation, liability, paid leave, overtime, retirement benefits and more. From the automation standpoint, consider costs of maintenance and installation, as well as the equipment itself.

5. Future Growth

Consider your markets, and gauge your expected future growth or contraction. Machines can work much faster than people, and can help you keep up with increased demand and continue growing. However, if you expect a decline in demand in the near future, this added speed and productivity may not be worth the investment at this time.

There are many factors impacting whether a process should be automated or not. In some cases, it is easy to automate a process that is otherwise long, arduous or unsafe. In other cases, it can be a more difficult decision. It can be helpful to make a list of estimated costs and time-savings, safety considerations, advantages and disadvantages when making this decision. Compare these items, and you can be confident in your decision to automate or leave the process the same.



Why you can't directly measure the torque output of a capping machine?

As you might expect, we discuss torque with our customers every day. People certainly have a lot of questions about how to measure torque. They want to make sure that the proper torque is applied to the cap. So naturally, many people who are new to caps want to find a way to directly measure the torque output of their capping machine. The ideas they usually try are logical and well thought out, but unfortunately, they can lead to inaccurate results. Our purpose here is to explain why.   Many people understandably assume that if they put a bottle into a cap torque tester and then tighten the cap with a capper, the tester will tell them what torque the capper just applied to the cap. Unfortunately, this is not the case. If the cap is screwed onto the container very slowly, the cap torque tester will only measure the torque applied to the cap.  A capping machine  can tighten caps very quickly. The sampling rate (how often the cap torque tester reads the torque output) of the cap torque te

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